After You Pass
Starting out
Once qualified how do I start?
Here are some answers to questions we frequently are asked.
This can be difficult at the very beginning, a good instructor’s work comes from recommendation and obviously, you do not have this to start with. It does not take long though to build this up; your first few months are normally the toughest. The better you are the easier it is to get work.
What are my options?
Going it alone straight away
If you intend to instruct part time then this is a valid option. You just need a way in. If you have sons/daughters/relatives who wish to learn to drive, then there is your way in, recommendations to their friends, it does not take long to build up a client list in this way.
If you need to start full time then it could be a wrong decision. You need to build up gradually as described above. If possible keep, any current job you have for as long as possible and build up gradually. You can be self-employed and work under PAYE at the same time.
Remember you could try flyers, mail shots, advertising in local papers, yellow pages, the advertising on your car.
Remember the key to success, build up gradually through recommendation. Advertise your services wherever possible and gain extra qualifications to set you out from the crowd.
A small Franchise
A Franchise is a very good option whether you intend full or part time. Many smaller companies will offer a franchise locally. There are many different schemes available.
A smaller company would generally offer a deal based on supplying you with pupil’s, a roof sign, telephone support and bookings, all in exchange for a weekly fee. You operate under their name and often supply your own car, which you maintain and run. You are responsible for insurance. You would be allowed to source your own pupils as well if you wish. A very good way again to build up clientele gradually and then go out on your own, this is the option most instructors take. You are not normally tied in to these deals and can go on your own at short notice.
Weekly franchise deals vary enormously – expect to pay approx £75.00 to £150 per week if you supply your own car. There is generally no guarantee of pupil’s with most deals. So make sure you know at the outset how many pupils are expected between both parties.
You do not have a risky outlay with this method, remember your car does not need to be brand new, just well maintained and your dual controls are not expensive to fit. Your current vehicle may well be suitable which can be checked on the DSA website.
Homer’s have built up a working relationship with many companies large and small who may be able to offer suitable franchises to Homer’s trainees. (of course Homer’s Driving School will welcome you, but we remember it is your choice!)
Larger Franchises
Larger companies such as AA/BSM may offer franchises with a vehicle supplied. These companies in particular are always after instructors. Obviously, you pay more for these deals anything between £150-£400 per week and you either pay for pupils on top or have them included. The vehicle maintenance is normally included in the price as with advertising, insurance, vehicle license, phone support, livery etc…your only cost is fuel. A generally safe option with no significant outlay initially but an outlay weekly. Again, check on likely pupil numbers.
New Instructors Required
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