Parallel Parking
Skills you will transfer from forward driving POM, MSM, Peep & Creep, Steering and awareness of other road users and pedestrians.
The Parallel Parking Manoeuvre starts from a parked position next to the kerb a few car lengths away from the car you are going to reverse around. The examiner will ask you to pull up along side a parked vehicle and reverse back and park near to and parallel to the kerb.
What you have to do:
Move away as normal using your POM routine but keep your speed low as you will need stop next to a parked car about ½ to 1 doors width away depending on how wide the road is, using the MSM routine.
As soon as you stop select reverse gear so the reversing lights are on to warn other road users of your intentions.
POM the car in reverse. Don’t forget to look from your right shoulder blind spot to your left shoulder so you can look out of the rear windscreen in the direction you are going to travel.
Keep your speed low at about an old mans walking pace use your pedals in the same way as you would when emerging from a closed junction peeping & creeping. This will help by giving you time to judge your accuracy and give you time to observe other road users and pedestrians.
As you approach the corner you will reach the POT (point of Turn) your Homer’s Driving Instructor will help you set a reference point on your Driving Lessons so you know when to turn. Before you turn the steering wheel make an all round observation be aware of other road users because as you turn the wheel the front end of the car will swing out into the main road.
You are trying to get a 45° degree angle. A second turning point will be set so you know when you have got this and when to take the steering back off so you may travel towards the kerb.
When reaching the kerb a third turning point will be set so you know when to do you final turn of the steering wheel to swing the front end of the car back into the kerb and stop and secure the car with the handbrake.
Each turn of the steering wheel should be 1 full 360° degree turn. It’s worth checking the left door mirror every 4 or 5 seconds to keep an eye on your position. Don’t stare in the door mirror for to long as the main dangers on the road are what is behind your car out the back windows, it’s also worth checking to front ands sides regularly as vehicles may be trying to pass you, as are reversing they have priority and you should stop and wait for them. You are allowed to leave your front wheels sticking.
After the manoeuvre don’t forget to do a full POM routine before moving away again.