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What it Means to be a Truly Fit and Proper Person to be an ADI
The law states that Advance Driving Instructors (ADI) need to be ‘fit and proper’, however, they do not define what it means to be fit and proper. At Homers Driving School we are currently recruiting, this article shall discuss what Homers Driving School define as fit and proper, if you are thinking about coming to join us take a read below and decide if you have what it takes to join the team.
The standard requirements industry wide to be a driving instructor, are as follows:
- Be of age 21 or over.
- Be qualified to drive the vehicle you want to instruct in, and have held the license for at least 3 years.
- Meet the required standards of personal conduct and professional competence.
- Be a ‘fit and proper’ person.
- Have a high regard for all aspects of road safety.
- Have a high standard of driving and instructional ability.
- A professional approach to your customers.
- A responsible attitude to your pupils and profession.
In order to distinguish whether you are a ‘fit and proper’ person, the DVLSA will check to see if you have;
- Any motoring/ non- motoring cautions, convictions or fixed penalty notices.
- If you have ever been banned from working with children under 18 years of age.
- If you have had any complaints of miss behavior
- If you have had any misleading financial & fraudulent behavior/ activity.
All of these elements will be distinguished via certain checks, such as a DVLA check, and a DBS check, and will be based on whether the caution/ conviction is revealed as relevant to the industry, which could put pupils and customers at risk, and in turn damage the brand of Homers Driving School. It is then your responsibility to make sure that if you are further convicted of any crimes in the future you have to report these to the DVLSA.
Health and Eyesight
Health and eyesight are huge elements that affect a person’s ability to instruct. As an instructor you must declare any disability and illness that might affect your driving. You should notify the DVLA if there is a worsening of any condition and if there has been a change in any disability since the issue of the license. If you are unsure about whether an illness should be disclosed to the driving school and the DVLA you should first consult your doctor. If however, your illness/ disability will last no longer than three months then you do not have to disclose this information.
Illnesses that a student/ Instructor may have and the rules regarding said illness/ disability.
Epilepsy: You can be given a license to instruct if you have been free of attacks for at least a year.
Pace Makers: People who are subject to a sudden fainting or giddiness have in the past not been issued with licenses however, if they are fitted with pacemakers to correct the problem then they are allowed to drive.
Disabilities: Persons who have disabilities, depending on what their disability is, may be able to apply for a provisional license to drive a vehicle that is suited to their special requirements and needs. If they wish to proceed to drive any other vehicle they must reapply.
At Homers we define a ‘fit and proper’, person as, anybody who likes the idea of earning a potential 27K plus, being a great brand representative who can work for us and with us with the goal of helping students and making the UK’s roads a safer place to drive.
At Homers Driving School, we are currently recruiting with in the following areas; Willenhall, Tipton, Wolverhampton, Wednesfield, and Darlaston. If you are local to any of these areas and like the sound of joining our friendly team, get in touch today!
The Driving Instructor’s Handbook
John Miller