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The new driving test

The New Driving Test

The changes will only apply to car driving tests to begin with.

For learners who have been stuck in the limbo of learning whilst the test was changing never fear. It has now passed over and for the first time since the test was last shaken up 21 years ago (when the theory was introduced) learners will have to go through a different type of examination to those drivers who occupied the roads before them.
The new changes to the test aim to make the examination more realistic to some of the manoeuvres and scenarios the learners would find themselves in on the road.

The Four Driving Test Changes are:

1. Independent driving –

Learners will have to conduct independent driving for 20 minutes which has doubled from the 10 minutes previously required. This amount of time is roughly half of the test time.

2. Following directions from a Sat Nav –

During the independent driving part of the test, some candidates will be asked to follow directions from a Sat Nav. The examiner will provide the Sat Nav which is a TomTom Start 52 and they will set this up, along with the route for the practical driving test.
You cannot use your own Sat Nav during the test – you have to use the one supplied by the examiner.
You can ask the examiner for confirmation of where to go if you are not sure. You can go the wrong way unless you make a fault while doing it.
NB// Not all driving tests will use a Sat Nav on average one in five will need to follow traffic signs still.

3. Reversing manoeuvres will be changed –

“Reversing around a corner” and “Turn in the round” will no longer be tested, as it has been deemed highly unlikely that this would ever happen, but your instructor can still teach you these skills to help you to develop you’re lifetime of safe driving.
The examiner will ask you to do one of three possible reversing manoeuvers:
• Parallel park at the side of the road
• Bay parking
• Pull up on the right-hand side of the road, reverse for 2 car lengths and re-join the traffic


4. Answering a vehicle safety question while you are driving –

Examiner will ask 2 vehicle safety questions during your driving test.
These are known as “show me, tell me” Questions you will be able to explain and demonstrate just how things work.
• ‘Show me’ Question – e.g. How would you clean your window screen whilst driving? You would show the examiner and carry out the task whilst driving.
• ‘Tell me’ Question – e.g. where are the window wipers? You would explain to the examiner either at the start of the test or during the test whilst driving.

When the changes we’re first announced, transport minister Andrew Jones stated “These changes announced today will help reduce the number of people killed or injured on our roads and equip new drivers with the skills they need to use our roads safely.

“Ensuring the driving test is relevant in the 21st century – for example, the introduction of Sat Navs, will go a long way towards doing this.”
Our driving instructors are fully trained in the new test and therefore will help you with everything you need to successfully pass, hopefully first time!

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