ADI Standards Check Training
ADI Check Test Training
“Approved driving instructor (ADI) standards check”
The approved driving instructor (ADI) standards check assesses your ability to teach pupils. The approved driving instructor (ADI) standards check replaced the Old ADI check test on 7th April 2014.
Old ADI check test grades will apply until you take your first standards check. You have to take at least one ADI standards check during each 4 year period that you are registered as an ADI.
You will be notified by letter from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency asking you to go for your standards check. It will say on the paperwork when and where to go.
If you do not attend your standards check test you can be removed from the ADI register.
Why Undertake ADI Standards Check Training:
· To gain a grade initially
· To improve a grade
Preparation for the standards check is so important if you wish to get the best possible grading. If you are in any doubt over your teaching skills you should consider taking some extra training.
We have one of the most successful standard check test training courses around and we have achieved many prefect scores with the driving instructors we have worked with gaining Grade A and 51 scored out of 51.
A massive difference to your instructor ability can be achieved in a very short period with a one on one session with one of our ORDIT registered driving instructor trainers, Mark Gough.
So don’t leave it too late and be disappointed after the lesson when the examiner discusses your performance and gives you a low grade or even a “F”ail
Preparing for a Standards Check Test:
You must take:
· Your improved driving instructor (ADI) registration certificate
· A car that meets the requirements
· A pupil (Can’t be ADI or someone preparing to take ADI part 3 test. They can be a learner or a full licence holder)
What happens at the standards check:
· A Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency examiner will watch you give a normal driving lesson to your pupil
· Examiner will look for evidence that you meet the national standards for driver
What you will be marked on:
17 areas of competence that are grouped into 3 categories:
· Lesson planning
· Risk management
· Teaching and learning skills
The 17 areas of competence are listed in the ADI standards check report form – which the examiner will fill in during your check test.
You will get a score from 0 to 3 for each of the 17 competencies, which are added up to work out your grade.
After you give the lesson which will last around one hour, the examiner will discuss your performance and give you a 15 minute debrief. Then they will give you your grade.
Info: You can take your trainer or mentor with you, but they can’t take part in the lesson.
Your standards check result:
You will get your grade, along with your completed standards check form at the end of the “Standards Check Test.
Score 0-30 is a Fail – Your performance is unsatisfactory
score 31-42 Grade B – You will stay on the approved driving instructor register but could improve
score 42-51 Grade A -You have shown a high standard of instruction and you will stay on the register.
You will automatically fail if:
· You get a score 7 or less in the “risk management” category
· The examiner stops the lesson because you have put yourself or someone else in danger
If you fail the standards check:
You will have up to 2 more attempts to pass the standards check
If you fails 3 times:
· You will be removed from the approved driving instructor (ADI) register
· You will have to retake the ADI tests to join the ADI register again
Don’t just sit back in that driver seat …
Call: 0800 612 6650 or Email:
For some friendly advice or guidance for your Standards Check Test Or Even book a Standards Check Assessment.
2 hour sessions cost From £70 (one to one training)
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